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Acu Clinics of Washington
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Website Redesign of Acu-Clinics of Washington 

Redesigned the website for Acu-Clinics of Washington to offer a seamless booking experience where one can intuitively navigate to see the details like description, price, duration, availability and book the appointment.


Acu-Clinics of Washington provides new anti-aging, non-invasive procedures and Body treatments and wellness procedures. 


I redesigned the website for Acu Clinics of Washington to offer a seamless Booking experience where one can intuitively navigate to see the details like Description, Price, Duration, Availability and Book the Appointment at their own convenience. 


Note: This is a concept project.

Product Type

Website Application


UX/UI Designer, Brand identity, Building wireframes, Remote usability testing


4 weeks


Figma, Optimal Workshop, Zoom 


Research methods used:

User Interviews, Affinity Mapping, Comparative and Competitive Analysis

User Reseach

I interviewed ​3 users through Zoom who go for regular spa treatments and it gave me a lot of data which I then synthesized into Affinity Map and derived the key takeaways from it.

Key Takeaways from the Affinity Map:


Comparative and Competitive Analysis

I selected 3 local spas to see how they handled features like details of a service, online scheduling and online payment. The eye doctor’s office, local summer camp and Lyft were selected to get a perspective of how similar features work for business models of different industries.

The C&C Analysis helped to determine that Price and Online Scheduling are the two main features that were missing. The payment option is also limited.


Research methods used:

Problem & How Might We Statement, User Persona, Card Sorting, Site Map

The Problem:

The research helped to identify the problem which was that the user needs a way to check the rates and make an appointment online so that they can book it at their own convenience. 

How Might We:

Provide a seamless booking experience for the user where she can check the details like rate, duration and availability and make the appointment?



Who are we designing for?

Primary User Persona

The research helped me develop the primary user persona who is someone with a knowledge about skin treatments. This persona wants to have the freedom to be able to book the service at her own convenience without having to contact anyone. 

Card Sorting

I opted for the open format of Card Sorting with 4 participants through Optimal Workshop. There were 18 cards used for the exercise. It helped me redesign the menu section of the Site map.

Site Map



Research methods used:

Sketches, Usability Testing, User Flow

Initial Sketches

Testing Insights

  • The option of the Home page which had the call to action Book button was more intuitive to the User

  • The User expected to be taken to the Select Service page after clicking Book

  • The User felt Check Availability is easier to understand than Search

  • The User expected to see Calendar instead of Week to select Date

  • The User expected to have View/Edit button after Appointment is booked

Primary User Flow

The user flow shows the happy path of the primary persona who has knowledge about spa treatments.



Research methods used:

High-Fidelity Prototype, Usability Testing

High-Fidelity Prototype

After extensive research I decided to keep the color palette neutral and also used shades of gold as to give the feeling of luxury since its a spa. The typeface Prata and Open Sans are used keeping in mind the sense of luxury and relaxation. The hero image was chosen as it gives a sense of feeling refreshed.

Home page
Treatment/Service page

High-Fidelity Prototype

Testing Insights:

  • The User felt it was very easy to book the appointment and everything was clear and very visible

  • The call to action Book button on the Home page needs to have a bigger font size as it would make it pop since its at the bottom

  • The User said her eyes were drawn to the Appointment button on the top Menu because of the Font size and the color

  • The User did not want to Add service

  • The User liked being able to see the Duration and Cost of the Service under Select Service

  • The User was curious to know if they could add Family or Friends where it said Who are you booking for

  • The User said she would check out the Monthly special pop up if she has time after booking the Appointment

  • The User liked that Book was at two different places and felt both were pretty intuitive to locate

  • The User was curious to check the Services to know what all services are available

Final Thoughts

Next Steps:

* I would try different Color options with the same color palette to draw more attention to the Call to Action Buttons.

* I would have an App for easy booking through Mobile devices.

* I developed the Secondary User Persona and I plan on adding a Side Pop Up Feature for each Service where you can click on the service to see the Details of the service. 

(Click here to see the Secondary User Persona and Secondary User Flow.)




* Color of the text and Font size are very important to draw the attention of the User to a Call to Action button.

* The User appreciates use of simple and clear language.

* The User likes being able to see all the details at one place without having to click in a number of different places.


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