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Website Application Design of Evac-Ability

Evac-Ability is a website application to help disabled evacuees access shelter and resources that was initially developed during a 3 day Global Hackathon event organized by TH.0 to assist disabled Ukrainian evacuees. Our team was the third place winner. The website was launched in March, 2022.


I was responsible for creating the roadmap for the product through UX research, design methodologies, and best UI practices while keeping in mind to create something that could be built and easily implemented by the developer team in a short amount of time.

Methods Used

Affinity Mapping, Competitive & Comparative Analysis, Persona, Sketching, Mood Boarding, Wireframing, Prototyping & Iteration

The Problem

15% of the world's population, experience some form of disability.

In the event of a crisis or disaster, people with disabilities are more likely to be left behind.

Some people are have difficulty accessing essential resources because of their disability.

People with disabilities and their caregivers need reliable and easily accessible resources and assistance during emergencies because they often experience barriers when evacuating. 

How Might We..

How might we create a solution that can be accessed by those with varying abilities and their caregivers, and provide resources and assistance during emergency evacuations?

The Solution: Evac-Ability

A website application to help disabled evacuees and their caregivers access shelter and resources during emergencies.

Analyzing the competition

Access Now:


  • Explores accessible places

  • Different ways to get involved

  • Gives accurate location details


  • No delivery option

  • Unclear call to action buttons


  • Disability-specific care

  • Variety of care options including pet care

  • Safety features including criminal background check


  • Disability-specific care is not clearly displayed on the home page

  • Limited to USA



  • Connects clients with personal care providers

  • Ease of navigation

  • Professional services delivered at home



  • Help Center: text-heavy, poor spacing, lack of visual aids

  • Does not list information or accommodations for disabilities

Understanding the User

Who are we designing for?

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Mood Board

Pitch Video

Style Guide

What could be done with more time?

Increase the scope of functions and testing

Test the prototype and product with users to get feedback

Incorporate GPS to find accessible locations

Find the closest accessible evacuation routes

Partner with a network of mobile caregivers

Contact a local hospital to send a health professional to your location

Emergency Calming Techniques

Clear a panicked mind with research-based stress relief techniques to re-regulate your body

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